When the soul remains untroubled by certain knowledge the circle has exposed all 360 degrees twice.

The Wise Know The Secret #454
Since one is right in his or her own eyes one will not argue with one; since it takes two to argue, a marriage should never […]

Incomplete And Therefore Insufficient #546
In salvation; it is the whole which is valuable and taken, for the part is partial and the missing is incomplete and therefore insufficient.

Proverb #722
Unity gives birth to duality that champions the outcome; for chaos has never ceased to be, just as revelation will have no demise.

Proverb #438
The parable written in the blood and suffering of “Two Thieves and a Savior” answers immeasurable inquiry into secret places.

In The Union Of The Aspects Of Two #540
The Essence of One is hidden in the union of the aspects of two. As it is written, “for two … shall be one flesh”, and […]

Proverb #750
Due to the irrefutable nature of this unified and dichotomous realm of good and evil existence, in which we discover being, it is difficult to love […]

Proverb #756
The body serves as a place of entrapment for every action given unto man’s proclivity; the monitoring of the soul within, as the higher self, will […]

Proverb #592
The meeting of potential and reality completes the journey; the house is built by expansion and contraction. The foundation begins the expansion, and the crown completes […]

Proverb #649
Finite is to the intrinsic, as infinite is to the extrinsic, separated only by the material veil of flesh; once removed, the two unite in the […]