The greater intention or effect of any causal event is merely to lead to the next event of cause and effect; this progressive revelation continues until […]

There Are Hidden Lessons #500
The purpose of stumbling in life is to teach one how to get up, until one can stay up; there are hidden lessons in life learned […]

Proverb #659
When once a wise man has inadvertently released a foolish sentence and it is perceived by any other, it will haunt that wise man until he […]

Proverb #551
How long one sleeps is a conscious decision agreed upon by the subconscious.

Proverb #268
To know what a man presently loves listen to his voice, for it is both affectionate and approving. The knowledge of those things opposite to the […]

Proverb #655
When then leaves the soul better than when then came the soul worse when then arrives the soul better than when then departed the soul worse. […]

Proverb #702
Purpose makes multiple alliances through time and space until it reaches its final destination.

Proverb #270
Wisdoms compel a man to travel in straight and narrow paths; for until the journey concludes with its treasure secured, one should not meander cross vagabonds’ […]

Til We All Become #487
The key of understanding opens the door to understanding; divinity has set philosophers and preachers, prophets and poets, parents and people in our midst purposely ’til […]

Proverb #793
The symbolisms that hide as glimpses of spiritual reality, once positioned, never leave the mind of the recovering soul until they can be matched with understanding. […]