Not all men are fishers, nor do many wish to learn to fish; they instead prefer that you continually give to them the next fish YOU […]

Proverb #264
To see and to hear all things both lovely and proper merely takes time; therefore, the ideal of eternity awaits the experience of eternity.

Proverb #814
The knowledge of outcome is always concealed: for without it one proceeds in the choice of every deed; with it one would hesitate to even choose. […]

The Captive #382
Forgetfulness is an evil, which holds the captive, irrespective of birth; ignorance is the evil, which holds the captive, and decries the freedom of new birth. […]

Proverb #77
When the wind blows for the refreshing to them that need refreshing, one may need to still his place and wait the arrival.

When Eating A Cheese Sandwich #166
When preparing or eating a cheese sandwich the wrapper should always be removed; it is the same with the truth.

Proverb #496
The defensive lot of “Truth Lovers”, each ranked according to measurable understanding, find their greatest weaponry elevated in quiet repose.

Proverb #593
Tendencies both good and evil that vie for the chance of expression are primeval forces that have yielded neither to change nor compromise.

Proverb #651
Nature provides a glimpse of innate knowledge in revealing that some species rush the seasons of change. In the race before us, by that innate knowledge […]

Two Cents Worth #373
To all that await “KING” and Kingdom, know this, the “two cents worth” that democracy deceptively grants you will NOT be worth two cents.