If a man knew why he did certain things and understood what would be the outcome of each indiscretion, then by that wisdom, he would be […]

Changelessness #627
When changelessness has inherent, appropriate and reoccurring change then veritably this Divine Attribute that changes not, which is hidden and transferred by wisdom unto understanding, can […]

Proverb #130
One should know these things.

Proverb #94
When speak ten wise ones, and one hear but nine set forth wisdom’s array, one my friend will by the measure of one, remain the unwise […]

Continue Your Journey #115
When meeting a man who thinks himself greater than he is; and causes you to pause the path a while; it is good to allow that […]

Proverb #394
Not every ear hears melody in the wind; for “The Creator” wrought creation for those few who desire to hear.

Proverb #9
There is an order to wisdom’s path that cannot be broken – follow it wisely.

Genesis 1:2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep.

Proverb #350
When the journey has more than a single cause entangled – make sure the order of accomplishment and always take care of primary business FIRST.

Proverb #219
When a man has learned, before he dies, what to tell his son in the fear of the LORD, then he has come to know what […]