Parables by Papi Logo

There are two ways of observation; and each of these ways is appointed by a higher power. Within those two ways, exists another two ways, and so on, and so on, with each assembling in its particular recognition of higher power.

Call it right and left, for or against, male and female, life and death … you name it. It is, however, an area, where innumerable discoveries patiently lay for extensive examination. One such is as in learning, indeed, “we are our brother’s keeper”.

The first observation, from the second set of ways, comes from one that has the actual assignment of completing the task and dividing the spoil equally. His determination accompanied by the skills entrusted to him, by that same higher power, sets the blade at the precise point of division, as he presently understands it to be, and completes the assignment.

The judgment: is now made; personal and associational portion is set, and another set of observation extends itself by the invitation of prerequisite.

The second observation, from the second set of ways is from the one who initially occupied the first position of the first set of ways. Contemplation may be in order here. Nevertheless, this individual can do NOTHING but observe the division of his portion as it relates to what ANOTHER has determined it to be.

Since one observation has preeminence above the other, that one should be altogether satisfied with the “own choice” of division, or his half.

Of the OTHER … the satisfaction of choice and the perspective thereof is to be seen in yet another of two ways.

Are you satisfied with your portion in life? If you are, then you will be equally satisfied with your portion in death; for there will be Two Ways of Looking at It. equally that is!


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Parable | Written July 25, 2009

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