Essays by Papi LogoWhile once upon a time, the inherited advantages, enjoyed in my youthful and explorative activities, allowed me to pretentiously “hold my own” among the participants within any given vicinity, the continuity of change sets anew the tone, chiming now – and not then.

Notice I validate participants, knowing there are always sleepers, who will not divulge their full potential and thereby quite often will neither reach it because of the same mindset. So then among the peers of the day of those then chosen activities my status was equal if not above.

Now … honesty demands from the obvious that I can no longer jump as high or run as fast as then … however, I love to sleep!

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal ….” Sounds good does it not? One more question – is it true?

The United States Declaration of Independence says it is true, Thomas Jefferson in 1776 penned it as truth, and even goes on to invoke the name of Creator to validate his presentation. His presentation was specific, involving and challenging the so-called “Divine Right of Kings”, because he felt his own inalienable rights suppressed UNDER an order higher than the status he had appropriated to himself and certain others. That status, however, did not extend to the slaves that he may have subjugated to his own lower ideals. If there is any equality among men it is in part that each of them inherently express higher and lower ideals when it occurs to each as advantage. All men are capable of love and hate; with the latter extending itself to such depths of depravity as to issue a superior design to self – denying that “that design” may be present in another.

Get over it! The perversity by which we twist together as flesh in the womb is the same for all men born of woman. There is your equality! We breathe and we bleed! Once expelled from the womb we are, basically, on our own and our relationship to things around us changes from then to now. Measures, by which we cope, seeded at the time of conception, find their strength by the order of life and its transfer; gendering invisibly throughout the process of formation they become precisely what they will be. Once released to the element of time change, the whole (from the womb) becomes subject to the rules of the new arena. Environment now inevitably extends an unmistakable influence on development and subsequently one will take up sword and another pen.

So are we then equal at a certain juncture of time and space? My contention begs, differing, the nonsensical assertion; for as one excels another diminishes and equality is ONLY in the hidden – yet visible – PROCESS that all existence seen or unseen is compelled to endure. While it is suggestively true when father, son, and neighbor all reach a certain level of maturity – physically – they appear equal with similar ability but in reality it is an illusion; and therefore, untrue. They may all jump the same height and run the same speed but the process dictates the barrier between equality and inequality remain in place until all reach the end of the process.

The process of which we speak is the immutable law of the collective and activating supernal power that, from its origin and cause, institutes and maintains that which we must concede metaphorically to call the ALL. This immutable law of process preserves, by controlled mutability, the remaining unequal forces badgered and submissive until the process allows their movement through experience.

One who takes a sword can never be equal to one who chooses the pen, and vice versa. Until the warrior, through change of experience, chooses the pen within the identical vein of the other, he has no valid reference point through which he may hear and express himself, in like manner. Slave owners through rhetoric could sympathize, as controllers, the plight of their controlees, but in an entirely different vein, as we submit. The majority choose not to! The why is understood in knowing they did not believe their own rhetoric of being “Created Equal.”

Remember, opportunity of advantage solicits the higher ideals to spiral downward unto a place of misusage, calculated, and implemented in lower ideals.

So then the world is replete with phonies and heroes traveling side by side. Created Equal? Get Over It! A fool is NOT my equal in the vein of what my experience describes to me as fools. Conceivably in the eyes of another who enjoys a higher existence, within merited knowledge, I may be the ultimate fool. Nonetheless I doubt it, for in his higher measure of understanding he must equate my struggle to that which he has already mastered by struggle. Scripture teaches us that perfection comes full circle by going through the arena of suffering.

Getting back to the “given vicinity” syndrome mentioned in the first paragraph of this compilation, the equation includes the “participants” therein. I was ALWAYS the fastest, the strongest, and the most reliable present – among the participants! Not only negating the sleepers but ALWAYS in an awareness that somewhere around the corner or across the sea was not only my equal but also my superior! We are NOT equal except in that inclusionary process that invites us to be participants.

However, within that wonderful and ill-defined process are specific releases to specific individuals that cause them both to arrive in the same place at the same time. The vicinity of family or culture or establishment is not what we refer to, instead, the level of understanding and being able to articulate accordingly defines the mystery. Much like reticent genetic codes concealed in DNA and set to trigger their own destiny when they arrive – knowers are likewise set to know.

Since we all understand certain philosophical and spiritual rhetoric to be presently in dream form and destined to be what is to be; we must then understand also the reality of the now. As we struggle from the womb in the natural we also struggle spiritually, and in releasing from womb to womb, we find what is to be.

My reason for writing this particular essay is to awaken certain like-minded souls to a misusage of an ideal that originated above but has fallen into a contemptible baseness merely because there are those who choose to participate in that allowable part of the process. Creation makes room for all that the Creator allows. One may go and come as lightning but one must eventually present one before the maker. When someone thinks (like Tigger – the cartoon character) they are the ONLY ONE who understands or knows a certain thing they have chosen to deny the truth. Guile becomes their companion and misstatement their ally, and instead of continuing in their journey, they settle backslidden in idol worship, to seek the stone on which to engrave their own image.

Not only have my experiential observations shown professing “knowers” practicing rampant jealousy on a repudiated level beneath the higher accord of its intended release, the same is true for their cognitive placement. By placement I mean this: the current level of your understanding, relative to your current level of participation, and relative to your current level as it pertains to vicinity. Paul gained upper knowledge by ascending to the upper venue, as did Moses atop Sinai. Jonah could not deliver his message beside the road, or on the ship, or at the sea bottom; he had to bring the pertinency of his knowing to its proper place. Certainly a part of the delivery is contained in the inspiration of the day.

By analogous format, we must admit that the mixed multitudes on the outer fringes of the congregation of Israel could not have possibly known the Torah to the extent of the seventy elders. The seventy elders in turn certainly did not have the revelation of the God teaching as did Moses. Not to mention Aaron and his sons and the patient Joshua who was in a place of understanding all to himself.

Equal – unequal – unequal – equal – where does it end? Are we or aren’t we? Created equal? Get Over It! The answer is still the same; and  just as the prophet Jeremiah persistently told the King year after year – the answer is still the same.

We can be equal in our knowing because of the process; the process is what releases all things pertinent to the knowing. Therefore, YOU AIN’T THE ONLY ONE knowing! YOU have an equal and YOU have a superior, and furthermore, the two may be a combined personality choosing to sleep in your vicinity.

Knowing this, one should be compelled to look around upon others with a little more respectful scrutiny; since truth will always prevail, and truth is delivered by messenger. At the very core of my argument is the divine directive that tells us to accept and allow every word established in the mouth of two or three witnesses.

Someone surfaces with revelation and dares its usage, dishonorably crying plagiarism, thinking that no one could have possibly received that same expressive array years or even centuries ago; and by doing so diminishes the sagely stage on which he is promoted.

Yet within the same context of the above statement, a firm stand must be issued in saying NOT EVERYONE receives the precept – unless they receive the precept. Far too many fools echo devilish sentiment as did Korah concerning Moses. They think if one can hear God then so can they. Their convictions, however, have lacked an adherence to the command to study in order to be approved, and they fail to know that many are the called and few are the chosen, and some have ears to hear and do not hear.

Created Equal? Get Over It!

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Essay | November 3rd, 2010

Created Equal? Get Over It! PDF