Dreams rehearsed in the inner consciousness that manage to conjoin the essence of their message to the outer consciousness, are of the agency of instruction bringing […]
An Entirely Different Matter #502
To know the secret that all heavenly gifts were issued and continue from the beginning is a wonderful thing to know. To position one’s self to […]
Proverb #515
There is no such thing as night, it is merely descriptive and useful terminology. One’s relationship within the element of time is pinpointed either by death […]
Proverb #170
Except “The King” abides within; your right is His left.
Refinement Of Righteousness #293
Refinement of righteousness becomes the “Beauty of Holiness” and virtue is the consciousness of purity.
Proverb #184
It is choice that brings the choosing; choosing either sustains or changes the choice that follows.
Proverb #403
By choice a man changes or continues the direction in which he heads; even if the grade is too steep and even if he needs help; […]
Function #728
Function is a terminology that dedicates the purpose of any given subject matter to its relevancy as it pertains to every other given subject matter around […]
Yet On The Heart #479
It is words of truth on the heart, and not on the page, which Our Father finds pleasing; on the page, words, are but read, yet […]
Proverb #377
Possibilities; initiated, promoted, facilitated, and envisioned by faith actuaries, become realities when measured knowledge accompanies the journey destined by change.