Time spent in believing a liar is a waste of time, and the measure of belief spent is also a waste; if one especially and measurably […]
Proverb #230
Activities of the day either assist or hinder activities of the night; as life is to day so is death to night.
Proverb #551
How long one sleeps is a conscious decision agreed upon by the subconscious.
Proverb #470
While one learns to teach, another teaches to learn, and the lot to all seems mutual; therefore, finding unity in learning and teaching is to gain […]
Proverb #672
Answers will unclutter to certain inexplicable questions concerning fellow men. Know this: every man is part animal; to what degree and to what animalistic influence one […]
Proverb #545
The level of teaching, from one taught, changes before the level of learning of one to be taught.
Incomplete And Therefore Insufficient #546
In salvation; it is the whole which is valuable and taken, for the part is partial and the missing is incomplete and therefore insufficient.
Thought Requires Other Thought #640
The mind allows one to embrace thought by experience; to what degree of involvement and subsequent storage of its knowledge – wholesome or otherwise – the […]
Proverb #689
As memory refuses to remain quite, its noise reminds the present of the future surely to come.
Proverb #268
To know what a man presently loves listen to his voice, for it is both affectionate and approving. The knowledge of those things opposite to the […]