The question is – will you? Intent hungers for completion; for the measure of a man’s perfection, or the lack thereof, is ofttimes reflected in the […]
Proverb #446
When the weapons that one carries go off, one should ALWAYS look to see who all is injected; often wounds are self-inflicted.
Proverb #604
The courtyard of a king does not exist, except the fence defines its place; and the pleasures of the garden are not kept, except the hedge […]
Proverb #607
If it is that everyone knows the truth but you – rest assured your time is coming; be it joyful, tearful, or both – your time […]
Proverb #436
Only promise makers can be named as promise keepers; none may expect promise who has not received promise.
The Law Of The Spiritual World #311
One should quickly discard worthless considerations posing as thoughts that persist in roaming the mind – announcing their apparent cause as immediate gratification to the flesh; […]
Proverb #475
Within possession of every man is the possibility of wellness or illness, and that in every aspect of being; the multiplicities of either, their release or […]
No Ending To Tell #282
A want of the mind without an effort by the hand, is tantamount to faith without works; it is even as the tale that has no […]
The Premature Inquiry Of Fools #390
The incalculable aspects and the vast arrays that share in the identity of a man’s stewardship, when measurably reduced, and simplistically understood, in a single, just, […]
Proverb #536
Should you actually be the one who is right amid a controversy, you should also be the one who is more understanding, less combative, and genuinely […]