Basically, the knowledge of all things, fully comprehended through the universal law of circular conclusion becomes the traveler’s gift; the end is determined by the beginning […]
Proverb #647
From that that I am by desire to that that, I may be by desire I must not desire that that I am by desire.
Proverb #236
The higher level of truth will always suffer and embrace the lower level of truth in its own plane of discovery and partiality; it, however, will […]
Proverb #222
At times, challenge in life is like thinning a carrot patch; be glad it is not often to be done.
Proverb #35
The placement of the soul determines the present collection.
Proverb #782
Every evening and morning we are invited into an arena of carefully orchestrated influence; at the close, and exchange of the cycle of the day, we […]
Proverb #767
One should never entertain ten separate thoughts on the subject; unless one is willing and able to corral and consolidate the ten into a single motive, […]
Proverb #20
In championing the cause of the weak one becomes the stronger foe.
The Misfortune Of Missed Opportunity #600
The misfortune of missed opportunity will often be measured through ignorance; though more often through volition contrary to better suggestion.
Incomplete And Therefore Insufficient #546
In salvation; it is the whole which is valuable and taken, for the part is partial and the missing is incomplete and therefore insufficient.