The sum total is secondary to the whole, although it defines by part and measure to form the whole, the whole was first formed, meticulously parted, […]
The Presumed Wholesomeness Of Relationship #790
Sometimes the presumed wholesomeness of relationship is suddenly challenged by immovable terms from both sides; this just indicates a need for terms of expansion and not […]
Little Is Seen, Unless Lighted Again #244
The eye beholds only that revealed in present light; in all that is shown, little is seen, and soon fades even as the light – unless […]
Proverb #106
If at the crossroad indecision becomes apparent; then the only apparent direction is to double back!
Proverb #95
Your mind is a river of time gathering strength in truth or lie.
Proverb #714
Many are given much and because they have yet to receive it they do not know the gifts exist.
Proverb #231
Conscious living prompts subconscious dreaming – thus be advised – our days are to be filled with virtue and never deceit, for souls are prompted accordingly […]
Proverb #120
Everybody wants a clean bucket but nobody wants to clean one out.
Proverb #665
The standard by which one judges the existence of all must be constantly updated with knowledge anew, for all that is set in stone becomes idolatrous, […]
Proverb #809
The reason for focusing on repair shows it not to be an endless task; it doesn’t take forever and therefore cannot be taken into the forever […]