Clarity finds its resting place in understanding; while it is indeed mutual it can never remain negotiable, for in its purest phase the bond is completed. […]

Proverb #163
Realism in the world of a fool does not exist; for a fool thinks all men should think as he thinks.

Proverb #497
When one learns to coordinate “the ideal” with “the real” then truth’s freedom sets aright “the learned one” upon the path which is another and yet […]

Proverb #638
Where there is none – has a lot to do with – when there is none; none seen of now – is because of the seen […]

Circular Conclusion #420
Basically, the knowledge of all things, fully comprehended through the universal law of circular conclusion becomes the traveler’s gift; the end is determined by the beginning […]

Proverb #230
Activities of the day either assist or hinder activities of the night; as life is to day so is death to night.

Proverb #545
The level of teaching, from one taught, changes before the level of learning of one to be taught.

Proverb #742
The power of “choice” reveals to each of us the challenge associated with the suspicion of suggestion.

Proverb #112
When traveling from one place to another a soul must seek and unite with the comforts needed in that particular place; for they are as similar […]

Proverb #270
Wisdoms compel a man to travel in straight and narrow paths; for until the journey concludes with its treasure secured, one should not meander cross vagabonds’ […]