Name is a comprehensible gesture of discovery aimed toward an existence {either written or spoken} that inevitably becomes a compilation of individual symbols bound by the […]

The Barrier Of Language #517
The barrier of language is a most profound precept misunderstood by humankind, for it is both enabling and likewise crippling.

Proverb #264
To see and to hear all things both lovely and proper merely takes time; therefore, the ideal of eternity awaits the experience of eternity.

Proverb #74
Conformity to new boundary requires propriety to be knowledgeable of both the perfect and the permissible will – of the one and of the all.

Dogs That Walk On Two Legs #581
Dogs that walk on two legs rather than four are nonetheless dogs and therefore unclean animals; both continue the uncleanness’ forged by their ancestry.

Proverb #639
The present expressed resolve of the learner determines the measured response and mode of the learned; for resolve is both good and evil and must be […]

Proverb #209
A fleeting glance never sees the marvelous display and a predisposed ear is an abomination to be discovered.

Proverb #268
To know what a man presently loves listen to his voice, for it is both affectionate and approving. The knowledge of those things opposite to the […]

Both Find Both #482
Neither a righteous man nor an evil man actively seeks disappointment or dissatisfaction, yet both find both often. Disappointment comes to allow one to adjust expectation. […]

Proverb #223
Jealousy is a Godly attribute that requires a Godly attribute; it is a gift from God easily perverted to misuse by the enemy.