Except the promotion of truth contain the acknowledgement of forerunning accumulations, destiny will claim its due of demotion; for when truth is partial and motive impure […]
Proverb #124
The end of one’s week should be viewed often even as the end of one’s life. The beginning of one’s week should be viewed often long […]
Proverb #593
Tendencies both good and evil that vie for the chance of expression are primeval forces that have yielded neither to change nor compromise.
Proverb #649
Finite is to the intrinsic, as infinite is to the extrinsic, separated only by the material veil of flesh; once removed, the two unite in the […]
Proverb #303
Consider carefully the rebuke of another regarding the very error learned from what you yourself have taught; the fruit comes from the seed and the child […]
Proverb #667
When considering the overview – stated or otherwise – remember it still hides the distinctions necessary for continued enlightenment.
Proverb #272
How love comes to be heard in a voice, or felt in a touch, is a mystery to those who have never heard the voice or […]
Proverb #173
The conscience that continues to struggle with evil influence has yet to learn the secret attached to repentance.
Proverb #808
As one learns to sit down – one will sit down to learn; or perhaps it is reversed; either way the hidden agenda of understanding is […]
Proverb #481
The thinker that dabbles in thought dabbles in knowing; through thorough thought, the thinker travels triumphantly.