Honor will only be ignored so long, for it will dismiss itself and find another to embrace.

Proverb #359
True blessing in life comes when your will, both conscious and subconscious, being approved and set forth by “HIS” will, places one in the solemnity of […]

Proverb #557
If a man and woman do not unite the soul in living, it is unlikely to happen in death.

Proverb #496
The defensive lot of “Truth Lovers”, each ranked according to measurable understanding, find their greatest weaponry elevated in quiet repose.

Two Cents Worth #373
To all that await “KING” and Kingdom, know this, the “two cents worth” that democracy deceptively grants you will NOT be worth two cents.

One Standing To Stand By Nothing And All (Poem 40)
One that stands alone, and discovered, at a single point by nothing, shall at once fall Unless so hidden that no force to come can […]

This The Lord … hath made the day! (Poem 48)
Let the day spring forth … remaining yet hidden to the view It comes with forces that have run before … those that guard the few […]

The Most Private Areas #149
True covenant with another invades the most private areas of each.