It is a must, that in order to be validated and unchallenged, every expression of knowledge delivered from a specific level of understanding, is received from […]

Proverb #303
Consider carefully the rebuke of another regarding the very error learned from what you yourself have taught; the fruit comes from the seed and the child […]

Proverb #747
Every individual that accepts admirable limitations upon unacceptable behavior does so through understanding and compliancy with the governing laws revealed by the Superior mind, and is […]

Proverb #4
The seed of every divine promise has been long planted; you need but find its place and discover what makes it bloom.

Proverb #794
There is one infallible curative to every detrimental stigma of environmental placement – simply leave it behind!

Will Face Yet Another Present #362
Every man that refuses to understand where he is, and why he is, in the present, will face yet another present. When he understands the present […]

Proverb #709
Every illusion meets a delusion that gives way to an allusion presumed to be a conclusion.

Proverb #730
Every controversy among men has a just participant; without this acknowledgement the resolve in this world, and the one to come, is impossible.

Proverb #547
Every man weary of learning has failed to execute what he has learned.

Proverb #662
Every appearance placed before a soul is given to that soul and the catalogue is certain; behold, and journey accordingly.