A fleeting glance never sees the marvelous display and a predisposed ear is an abomination to be discovered.

Freely Passing On #469
Consideration, of courtesy and charity, advanced for the sake of others is not for the sake of self; the self must learn consideration by understanding the […]

Proverb #259
Indebtedness is that which makes one a slave; it is reason to understand the saying, “owe no man anything.”

Proverb #508
The courage that willingly gives all becomes the wisdom that deservedly receives all.

Proverb #389
Disdain is for that that remains unclean, not for that, which is being cleaned or has been cleaned.

Proverb #606
When a simple mind tells another “Everybody likes a compliment”, a wise mind hears him also say “Nobody likes an insult.”

Proverb #375
If a man insists, on concretizing every summation agreed upon, whether just law or mere conjecture, the nature of his inflexibility to accommodate one without understanding […]

I’ll Just Write You Another Check!
I checked and she checked, she checked and I checked; we both checked again to no avail and we are both fairly good checkers!

Logic Becomes The Result #379
Logic becomes the result of meritorious argument no matter how long it takes; logic offers the next maneuverable involvement to be or not to be.