Good stewardship, by virtue, obligates one to invade even the assumed privacy of all that is under its present safekeeping.
Proverb #266
As honey is tasted so is wisdom; in understanding, it is delightfully savored.
Proverb #112
When traveling from one place to another a soul must seek and unite with the comforts needed in that particular place; for they are as similar […]
The Dominating Force Of Spiritual Influence #248
The dominating force of spiritual influence is set at naught only when the spirit has no resting place; otherwise, the host must indulge its abiding.
in the stillness of divine love … Marry with me … (Poem 57)
Now my soul is released in harmony, to no longer oppose this joined to me. In wisdom and understanding, we ascend this path – spiraling forth […]
Proverb #792
A singularity, facing annihilation through dissolution, has reached the gateway to harmonization, and the homogeneous ingeniousness’, of unity, and conformity, leaves it oddly, without loss of […]
Proverb #157
In complaint of situation one acknowledges defeat; in praise of situation one acknowledges victory.
Proverb #683
The difficult seam of opposite correlation to perfect harmony is clearly seen by the one who can abolish the element of time.
Proverb #436
Only promise makers can be named as promise keepers; none may expect promise who has not received promise.
Proverb #299
Presentations by maestros who fail to ferret out disruptive chords will never harmonize the karmic scales. They judge of themselves; and for lack of perfection are […]