The number of things he actually CONTROLS easily measures the strength of a man.

Name #726
Name is a comprehensible gesture of discovery aimed toward an existence {either written or spoken} that inevitably becomes a compilation of individual symbols bound by the […]

Identical #98
The identical ill-taught nature and contentious spirit will definitely accompany one’s arguments, as to why he should be allowed to go one way and not the […]

Proverb #501
The space one defends, and counts as his own, becomes the space of another who has the same misconception; as soon as one departs, another arrives. […]

Proverb #769
For one to be tolerant of any given activity means that one remains active in that same activity.

Proverb #576
When mediocrity and approximation becomes a man’s standard, then he has none noteworthy; he becomes a part of the aggregation that is neither hot nor cold […]

Cannot Expect The Same Reward #358
The one, who spends an entire life, consciously and subconsciously, accruing immeasurable refusals to be re-taught in order to re-live, cannot expect the same reward as […]

One Is An Active Part #386
The entire analog of one’s journey through breath, with all things heard and all things seen, great and small, embraced or rejected, are circuited merely to […]

Externally Inward … Internally Outward #586
Foolish men observe the image stamped upon another as being placed externally inward; wise men know the secret of the “CREATOR”, for He has assuredly stamped […]

Proverb #792
A singularity, facing annihilation through dissolution, has reached the gateway to harmonization, and the homogeneous ingeniousness’, of unity, and conformity, leaves it oddly, without loss of […]