Unless a man learns to close his eyes to find rest for the soul he will open them having not rested.

Proverb #758
The greater intention or effect of any causal event is merely to lead to the next event of cause and effect; this progressive revelation continues until […]

Proverb #710
Destinations are never reached by will alone; it requires ample strength as well.

Proverb #545
The level of teaching, from one taught, changes before the level of learning of one to be taught.

Array Of Reality #141
To find the widespread array of reality one must preclude preconception; it is not as many have set the view.

The Rules Of Cheek Turning #318
The Christ outlined the rules of cheek turning that outlawed the rules of self-defense; those that rush incessantly to self-defense obviously missed that spiritual memo.

Proverb #177
The feet of men reveal the journey of the will of men.

Conscientiously, Prayerfully, And Spiritually Decided #312
When the interests of an individual are varied and many, then those choices should all be a veritable array wherein virtue has influenced each of them, […]

Proverb #359
True blessing in life comes when your will, both conscious and subconscious, being approved and set forth by “HIS” will, places one in the solemnity of […]

Proverb #133
Clutter should be something having legitimate explanation expressed solely in the past; order should be the order of the present day.