Souls in bodies are patterned in expressions; those that look like the worldly expressions are worldly souls, unredeemed, those that look otherwise ARE otherwise, and the […]

Freely Passing On #469
Consideration, of courtesy and charity, advanced for the sake of others is not for the sake of self; the self must learn consideration by understanding the […]

The Allure Of Distraction #512
Learning the valuable insight of learning becomes merely tentative when the discipline of eye and ear is compromised by the allure of distraction; the measure of […]

In Relationship To Another #267
There is a measure of Christianity understood only in the precept of hell wherein certain captives are isolated and set free from the grave. The revealing […]

Proverb #247
The spirit of a man receives its measure of influence by spiritual seed of good or evil and disperses from it an infinite supply of influence. […]

Proverb #395
If one is unable to explore sufficiently and understand what he actually sees in front of him, the measure of intelligence to know things detailed in […]

The Reason For The Rule #235
To have no interest in the rule is also to have no interest in the reason for the rule; all actions have rules and all rules […]

Proverb #671
A credible witness cannot just show up without a certain measure of dubitability; especially when one is known to have lived a life of deceit.

Proverb #578
The sum total is secondary to the whole, although it defines by part and measure to form the whole, the whole was first formed, meticulously parted, […]

One Standing To Stand By Nothing And All (Poem 40)
One that stands alone, and discovered, at a single point by nothing, shall at once fall Unless so hidden that no force to come can […]