Shamefully hidden in the recesses of a man’s own understanding is the hypocrisy by which he allows himself to keep a promise to one and not […]

Proverb #567
Appetite is given to the body by desire, and flourishes in taste and touch; temperance is the higher power given to the mind to rule the […]

Thought Requires Other Thought #640
The mind allows one to embrace thought by experience; to what degree of involvement and subsequent storage of its knowledge – wholesome or otherwise – the […]

Proverb #268
To know what a man presently loves listen to his voice, for it is both affectionate and approving. The knowledge of those things opposite to the […]

That Which Centers Him #466
That which a man allows himself surrounded by is that which centers him, out to in and in to out; the center of mental, vocal, and […]

Proverb #430
The mind, which absolves itself from political process and outcome, must adhere to higher resolve; conclusiveness belongs to the cycles of divine providence.

Origins In Demonic Pledges #432
Genetic disorders lodged in one’s mind have their origins in demonic pledges; and the renewal of one’s mind redeems the body as well.

The Captive #382
Forgetfulness is an evil, which holds the captive, irrespective of birth; ignorance is the evil, which holds the captive, and decries the freedom of new birth. […]

The Highest Form Of Discipline #530
Assumptions are ill mannered and damaging to one’s intellect, for it is intellectual growth that provides character with higher motive, and understanding is the highest form […]

Choose Direction #158
Every path in life does not have snaring entanglements; one should choose direction with this in mind.