Name is a comprehensible gesture of discovery aimed toward an existence {either written or spoken} that inevitably becomes a compilation of individual symbols bound by the […]

Proverb #719
Spiritual power diminishes secular power; however, it all rests upon the fulcrum of balance.

All That Happens #331
All that happens this day is needful for this day, for the day past has brought forth this day for the morrow to come.

Steps Journeyed #329
The weight deposited in a man’s soul has neither silver nor natural gold; but rather, the number and pause of steps journeyed, each ordered by the […]

The Gene Of Refusal To Participate #431
All, who like beasts, that carry the gene of refusal to participate in knowing the knowable, are ordered to endure further genetic evolution; the change to […]

To Receive Greater Charge #324
A man must relinquish unto the King all he thinks himself to be in charge of; his reward for doing so just may insure that he […]

Proverb #232
Nature’s quest to embellish itself is held in check by spiritual design; the tree can only display growth in the season to which it is permitted. […]

Proverb #133
Clutter should be something having legitimate explanation expressed solely in the past; order should be the order of the present day.

Proverb #757
Before one can clean, repair, correct, or change, any habit or error, in order to present it as having been acceptably tended, that very blemish must […]

Proverb #241
Evil sets its course by enchantment of time and by disenchantment of time, finds that course ended.