Between perfection, wherein resides health and beauty, and the plagues of the shadow of death, is repentance, within resides the chariot of transformation.

The Creational Separations #680
The creational separations each serve the particularization by defining the generalization.

Proverb #127
Instinctive impressions originate from the lower part of the soul; placed there by “The Creator” they are encouraged to rise to perfection – in the higher […]

Proverb #724
Internalizing a concept, precept, or fixed pattern in a conclusionary nucleus of knowledge, tantamount to placement in that “proverbial concrete,” will never conclude THE REVELATION; for […]

Proverb #35
The placement of the soul determines the present collection.

Help And Understanding Of Another #561
Just because a man is born, and reared in a certain place does not mean he has to remain there; however, transplantation generally requires the help […]

Proverb #702
Purpose makes multiple alliances through time and space until it reaches its final destination.

Proverb #380
Resolution to equally opposing contradictions will never present itself in an additional session of dispute – especially if deception is a participant.

Proverb #438
The parable written in the blood and suffering of “Two Thieves and a Savior” answers immeasurable inquiry into secret places.

Proverb #359
True blessing in life comes when your will, both conscious and subconscious, being approved and set forth by “HIS” will, places one in the solemnity of […]