Science chases the cause of all that is seen throughout the visible realm, but quickly loses sight in the invisible; it is here the trail emphatically […]

The Know-It-All #392
If there are things in life that one has not brought to one’s attention, then it may well be true, “THE KNOW-IT-ALL” by honest default has […]

Proverb #813
One should eventually know: whom one insults and alienates is more likely than not, the very one sent to help one overcome insults and alienations.

Proverb #264
To see and to hear all things both lovely and proper merely takes time; therefore, the ideal of eternity awaits the experience of eternity.

Proverb #468
The initial graduating procurement, of knowledge and understanding from all spiraling upward levels of knowledge and understanding, begins its ratio in knowing the levels exist. […]

Before It Comes Again #457
The light passes by often to reveal either new things or old things associated with the day; the delay, before it comes again, is given for […]

The Seventh Sense #474
The five senses individually and collectively aid the consciousness of one to activate the sixth sense that resides in the mind. By it; the subconscious powers […]

Proverb #77
When the wind blows for the refreshing to them that need refreshing, one may need to still his place and wait the arrival.

Proverb #455
The revelation of “Oneness” sets and frees the secret of ALL to questions and answers.

Proverb #730
Every controversy among men has a just participant; without this acknowledgement the resolve in this world, and the one to come, is impossible.