Make no doubt about it, irritations to the right side come from the left side.
Existence Is Not Coincidental #402
Existence is not coincidental; it is a combination of spirit and nature revealing the divine law concerning their cohabitating arrangement for the purpose of revelation and […]
Proverb #679
The NAME contains all that is within the image of the image within.
Proverb #339
If self beholds itself as unlikable, it must change the self to likable before others can see the change for what it is.
Proverb #224
Undefiled knowledge is reserved for undefiled minds, for virtue keeps its door hidden from polluters.
Proverb #746
Every created entity continues within a boundary of potential until its release through compliancy and understanding; the next realm may be infinite or finite.
Proverb #815
The base purpose of every law is to fully define and display every consequence that can possibly stem from its violation; our assignment is to avoid […]
Beneath The External Hardness #663
There exists hidden beneath the external hardness three insect like influences: one incessantly works destroying from within and is never seen unless actively exposed with purpose; […]
Proverb #394
Not every ear hears melody in the wind; for “The Creator” wrought creation for those few who desire to hear.
Proverb #446
When the weapons that one carries go off, one should ALWAYS look to see who all is injected; often wounds are self-inflicted.