To love and to be loved is a choice. To be loved is because of a choice already made by ANOTHER; to love is a choice […]
Proverb #720
The mind is limited only by a willful engagement; reality provides for no sustained limitation of thought; and by willful re-engagement thought continues its quest for […]
Proverb #451
Friendship is easier realized when one is expecting to give it rather than expecting to receive it.
Proverb #801
Pretense is a mere form of deception; when it masquerades as love or honor, reality sadly unveils disdain and annoyance.
Proverb #653
The subtle exposure of certain and precise realities is not necessarily to draw one to conjunction but rather to a swift bypass; the soul that makes […]
Proverb #289
The reward of knowledge presents one with the challenge of learning self-control; self-control, when realized, soon becomes the patience one never had.
Proverb #714
Many are given much and because they have yet to receive it they do not know the gifts exist.
Proverb #120
Everybody wants a clean bucket but nobody wants to clean one out.
Two Cents Worth #373
To all that await “KING” and Kingdom, know this, the “two cents worth” that democracy deceptively grants you will NOT be worth two cents.
Proverb #2
For one to answer a question – one must ask a question.