Those that fail to listen to slow and deliberately repeated voices are anxious to hear nothing; assuming they have heard it all before – hear nothing.
Proverb #169
If one can explain neither advantage nor disadvantage of a practice, that practice should be re-examined.
Proverb #707
Nuggets of wisdom bear repeating once accompanied by understanding; such as “the end justifies the means.”
Proverb #501
The space one defends, and counts as his own, becomes the space of another who has the same misconception; as soon as one departs, another arrives. […]
Proverb #230
Activities of the day either assist or hinder activities of the night; as life is to day so is death to night.
Dust #599
Each time the dust settles the revelation begins anew.
Proverb #684
The man that grows weary of constant fighting is easily wounded.
Proverb #797
Truth stays on course and gladly suffers reiteration; lies cannot endure a verbatim scrutiny, and their purposes of damnation come to light forcing an altered course. […]
Proverb #587
From the lower nature one chooses to socialize sexually by degree through multiple levels; each has its own immediate reward, and each has its own ultimate […]
Every man is Adam or אדם and is numbered as 45 … which causes them to remain The Nine.