Every evening and morning we are invited into an arena of carefully orchestrated influence; at the close, and exchange of the cycle of the day, we […]
Proverb #137
Without knowledge of the unseen, it can be neither directed, nor embraced.
Proverb #438
The parable written in the blood and suffering of “Two Thieves and a Savior” answers immeasurable inquiry into secret places.
Proverb #359
True blessing in life comes when your will, both conscious and subconscious, being approved and set forth by “HIS” will, places one in the solemnity of […]
Proverb #605
The greater challenge to one’s pursuit of knowledge is the secrecy bonded and known only to the few initiated on that certain level.
Prognostications Of Prophets #632
Unless they originate in honorable inquiry and form in diligent search, the prognostications of prophets are meaningless in merit, for they must be released by divine […]
Proverb #676
The inclusion of a mystery hides within it a secret; both deny one the ability to access and understand the inception, the change, and the final […]
The Complexities Of Certain Answers #113
The complexities of certain answers unto simplistic questions are far more tangled in the element of time than most will willingly tolerate to undergo, to understand. […]
Proverb #433
Speak to nature and in given time nature will reciprocate; gain the trust of secret bearers and their secrets are to gain, for secrets long to […]
Proverb #455
The revelation of “Oneness” sets and frees the secret of ALL to questions and answers.