Forgiveness to one is understood only by one. Forgiveness from one is also understood only by one. It is the soul that understands; the two opposites […]

Proverb #176
A clear conscience allows one to come home; forgiveness opens the door and embraces the soul.

Proverb #399
Unless a man learns to close his eyes to find rest for the soul he will open them having not rested.

Proverb #799
When the soul remains untroubled by certain knowledge the circle has exposed all 360 degrees twice.

Steps Journeyed #329
The weight deposited in a man’s soul has neither silver nor natural gold; but rather, the number and pause of steps journeyed, each ordered by the […]

Proverb #127
Instinctive impressions originate from the lower part of the soul; placed there by “The Creator” they are encouraged to rise to perfection – in the higher […]

Proverb #35
The placement of the soul determines the present collection.

Proverb #268
To know what a man presently loves listen to his voice, for it is both affectionate and approving. The knowledge of those things opposite to the […]

Proverb #655
When then leaves the soul better than when then came the soul worse when then arrives the soul better than when then departed the soul worse. […]

Proverb #798
There is an aggravation that accompanies the soul that has the present assignment to subtly discern shades of violations concerning rightness; the aggregated view of perfection […]