Those that fail to listen to slow and deliberately repeated voices are anxious to hear nothing; assuming they have heard it all before – hear nothing.

The Barrier Of Language #517
The barrier of language is a most profound precept misunderstood by humankind, for it is both enabling and likewise crippling.

That Which Centers Him #466
That which a man allows himself surrounded by is that which centers him, out to in and in to out; the center of mental, vocal, and […]

Journey With Accuracy #635
A journey with accuracy can begin as one learns to count; one learns to write and leaves a mark. When he learns to read the marks […]

Proverb #688
Wisdom faces conflict by having assessment advise precaution; this is to temper the speech that runs to alarm or calm the actions of one having gained […]

Irritable Stimulus #286
The commune of one guided by a haughty spirit, releases the chance of exchange with the mind of higher accord by that mind’s aversion to irritable […]

Proverb #207
To find one doing, when one had no time to do, is to find one to query if his word were even true.

Proverb #77
When the wind blows for the refreshing to them that need refreshing, one may need to still his place and wait the arrival.

Proverb #744
If there remains no evidence of consistency in the things one hears that are purported to stem from the higher voice of “The One;” then one […]

Speech Is A Divine Gift #559
Speech is a divine gift intended to glorify the giver in both restraint and release.