Repentance is to summon evil that it may be summarily dismissed.

Proverb #566
Science chases the cause of all that is seen throughout the visible realm, but quickly loses sight in the invisible; it is here the trail emphatically […]

Proverb #117
Yes, a discernment can be certain and obvious; however, the certain is not always obvious and the obvious is not always certain.

Thought Requires Other Thought #640
The mind allows one to embrace thought by experience; to what degree of involvement and subsequent storage of its knowledge – wholesome or otherwise – the […]

Proverb #670
Maturity announces to one its arrival when that one actually does not have to be TOLD or driven to complete its own responsibilities.

Proverb #326
When friendships begin counting favors, the odds that accompany those calculations will inevitably lead to an active struggle.

Proverb #155
Numbers never tell lies; confusion never tells truth.

Proverb #744
If there remains no evidence of consistency in the things one hears that are purported to stem from the higher voice of “The One;” then one […]

Proverb #557
If a man and woman do not unite the soul in living, it is unlikely to happen in death.

Proverb #55
The light becomes seven times brighter when it gathers the beginning and displays the end.