If self beholds itself as unlikable, it must change the self to likable before others can see the change for what it is.
The Untrue Portion #550
The untrue portion of an unrighteous man’s visionary discovery is that which appeals to him most and is the same that he desires to propagate.
In Giving The Final Answer #275
If one’s answer in life is always “I don’t know,” then one becomes as “ONE WHO KNOWS NOTHING” in giving the final answer in life; this […]
Proverb #224
Undefiled knowledge is reserved for undefiled minds, for virtue keeps its door hidden from polluters.
Proverb #547
Every man weary of learning has failed to execute what he has learned.
Proverb #167
You never know to whom you speak, therefore respect those before you.
Proverb #607
If it is that everyone knows the truth but you – rest assured your time is coming; be it joyful, tearful, or both – your time […]
Fourteen Precepts
Every sage that sees the pattern of precept longs to share the discovery.
Proverb #621
The power to release an action must be concentrated on a subject; therefore, concentrated energy released in form of prayer must be accompanied by boundary of […]
Proverb #776
Limitation is the act of judgment which demands the course to stop. By its very nature it calls for an end – after a designated duration; […]