Honor will only be ignored so long, for it will dismiss itself and find another to embrace.

In Time #252
An allotment of time was given to all by the Creator of ALL; and any of all spending it without knowing why it was given, in […]

Time Reveals What Is #582
There accompanies a mystery at all events called instantaneous or miraculous; this makes the instant a myth. Calculated and structured transfer of power on multiple levels, […]

Proverb #264
To see and to hear all things both lovely and proper merely takes time; therefore, the ideal of eternity awaits the experience of eternity.

Insult To Injury #423
Time spent in believing a liar is a waste of time, and the measure of belief spent is also a waste; if one especially and measurably […]

Proverb #230
Activities of the day either assist or hinder activities of the night; as life is to day so is death to night.

That Which Centers Him #466
That which a man allows himself surrounded by is that which centers him, out to in and in to out; the center of mental, vocal, and […]

Proverb #521
Certain individuals pass through time calculations exclusively to give others opportunity ….

Proverb #702
Purpose makes multiple alliances through time and space until it reaches its final destination.

Proverb #207
To find one doing, when one had no time to do, is to find one to query if his word were even true.