A wise man recognizes the power to master his calling as taken from the form of his abilities; to operate in anything less, or to attempt […]
Proverb #801
Pretense is a mere form of deception; when it masquerades as love or honor, reality sadly unveils disdain and annoyance.
Proverb #714
Many are given much and because they have yet to receive it they do not know the gifts exist.
Proverb #737
Too often one spends their intellectual capital angrily at the wrong time: and unavoidably buys something they NEVER intended to own.
Unless One Chooses To Agree #131
Unless one chooses to agree rather than argue with a wise man, that one will never know what the wise man knows.
Proverb #243
The hand can hold only that which it can control; in reaching for too much, one ultimately suffers loss, as do all men who would be […]
Proverb #547
Every man weary of learning has failed to execute what he has learned.
Proverb #206
Argument is the uninvited guess at the table of knowledge; fear seats the wise to hear, and understanding is the first served.
Proverb #656
There are those that have for centuries followed as annoying follies housed in certain acquaintances that we inevitably discover; solace is in knowing their position as […]
Halfway Believable #425
If folks spent as much time telling the truth as they do telling untruths, they would at least be halfway believable. As it stands, the only […]