The easiest way to give or share what you have is simply to remove your name from it.

Proverb #359
True blessing in life comes when your will, both conscious and subconscious, being approved and set forth by “HIS” will, places one in the solemnity of […]

Proverb #699
Truth of promise can only be directly revealed by one’s present action; otherwise the past will observe it as a false promise, and the future will […]

Proverb #750
Due to the irrefutable nature of this unified and dichotomous realm of good and evil existence, in which we discover being, it is difficult to love […]

In Your Own Expectation #50
It is only in your own expectation that disappointment is found.

Every Choice #535
EVERY challenge is issued and made known, the one presently before you demands your CHOICE; either you are or you are not.

Proverb #768
Influence in one’s life is either wholesome and helpful, or worthless and hindering; to the degree … and from which you choose to separate filters through […]

Proverb #615
Searching the limits of acceptance is dangerous practice; insincere and deceitful inquiries deserve clever replies, for it is only to the level of one’s own intent […]

Resolve Fills Its Own Lot #495
For one to ignore the investigation of the resolve of one’s own mind is to challenge each day as if there were no more; yet the […]

Proverb #95
Your mind is a river of time gathering strength in truth or lie.