By river’s edge I’ve often stood and held the ledge for I knew I could.
I wrote in rhyme and sang in tune I kept the time and knew that soon.
All my myth and tales in lore in time would leave with sails … at shore.
The sea hath called “loose the ledge” but only … am I – at river’s edge.
And no one’s heard these songs I know – how can I leave – how can I go.

Give me ear ‘O passers by please pause to hear just why I sign.
I’ve shouted loud and whispered soft – to kings I’ve bowed and stood aloft.
What garb I’ve worn
has fooled the fool I’ve weathered scorn and I’ve kept the rule.
Still the voice says “loose the ledge” and still I stand – at river’s edge.
I’ll sing new songs these aren’t all I know – listen ‘O-listen – before I go.

Laughter just ‘hind me deliberate glee ‘O where will they find me when once I flee.
Perhaps I cry just one that hears . . . to grace my eye to stop my tears.
Call my name O
one that knows to the sea in myth this river flows.
Take to self and “loose the ledge” put first at first – at river’s edge.
No need of push another will rhyme – I’ll “loose the ledge” with know – first – this time.

View the PDF below as it was originally presented

Poem #28 | Written July 4, 2007

Loose the Ledge PDF