Overwhelming and incalculable odds should never alter the course of righteousness; keep counting, develop the equation, and exact the answer.
Time Reveals What Is #582
There accompanies a mystery at all events called instantaneous or miraculous; this makes the instant a myth. Calculated and structured transfer of power on multiple levels, […]
Proverb #521
Certain individuals pass through time calculations exclusively to give others opportunity ….
The Best Way #199
The knowledge of and the searching of a better way is admirable indeed; seek also the best way.
Proverb #578
The sum total is secondary to the whole, although it defines by part and measure to form the whole, the whole was first formed, meticulously parted, […]
Proverb #544
The wise man who seeks to sustain wisdom he has learned will seek opportunity to forgive daily.
Proverb #353
In thoughtful matters of question, it is wise to give a slow and calculated answer. When no question exists as in repentance or sorrowful reply, answer […]