While semantics and IQ may very well team with various Egos, to challenge the clear asseveration
With theories, conjectures, denials, and partial understandings, their mocking misgivings conjoin
their analogues and conclusions – Attempts to discover the undiscoverable prove pathetically lacking
Investing vapory existence in carvings and cementations to give them names of source and endurance
Cresting or sinking … is it ascending – or has it found abode otherwise … caught in a confused swirl
How oft the horizon offers amending prerogatives and yet only to those stationed to catch the glimpse
Spiritual explorers who train and ready themselves bypass the zone daily looking to see only their see
Comes Then the Penultimate … the door unlocks, the veil rends, the voice speaks and as fools they pass
Angels and prophets, sages and righteous sojourners visit pronouncing the culmination at hand and yet
… why it is their reports and all ever written seems never properly assembled and believed is baffling
The clear asseveration has never changed; it is only swirling egotistical fools that insist the otherwise
Idolatry disguises violation, as a thousand chips fall to reveal a statue each falls from the image of whole
Substantive or nonsense … is it teaching – or has it found conscious freedom … in sub consciousness
And if so, who is the beneficiary, for the dream changes every time dreamers set sight closed to the self
Are all exposed to see the phenomenon, or is it just to the righteous few that travel by spiritual view?
Comes Then the Penultimate … the precise measure, the indisputable portray, that says here is the last
It is both cresting and sinking yet it is neither; the inherited substantive rides upon the crest of knowing
While those who continually sink, falling in each new horizon have the nonsense of the minds removed
For all is teaching and all is required until each discarded piece of the puzzle is reassembled to the whole
Comes Then the Penultimate … the Moses, the Elijah, the Baptist called John … The First … The Last
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Poem #88 | Written November 26, 2011
Comes Then The Penultimate PDF