A want of the mind without an effort by the hand, is tantamount to faith without works; it is even as the tale that has no […]

The Premature Inquiry Of Fools #390
The incalculable aspects and the vast arrays that share in the identity of a man’s stewardship, when measurably reduced, and simplistically understood, in a single, just, […]

Proverb #42

Proverb #621
The power to release an action must be concentrated on a subject; therefore, concentrated energy released in form of prayer must be accompanied by boundary of […]

Proverb #776
Limitation is the act of judgment which demands the course to stop. By its very nature it calls for an end – after a designated duration; […]

Proverb #299
Presentations by maestros who fail to ferret out disruptive chords will never harmonize the karmic scales. They judge of themselves; and for lack of perfection are […]

Proverb #481
The thinker that dabbles in thought dabbles in knowing; through thorough thought, the thinker travels triumphantly.

Proverb #789
Meaningful pacts are not only based on agreeable content, but all the more upon the disagreeable measures of limitation; these set the terms of violation.

Experience Accumulates Knowledge #36
The mind by experience accumulates knowledge; and gives its safekeeping to the soul.

Proverb #806
When a man willingly or unwillingly makes repairs he receives great reward; the only difference in one way or the other is either the inclusion or […]