I asked of one … “How is it you’ve come to be
so bent, so twisted, so unusually maimed?”
He said “Record your answer – when you tell me
and ALL will know if you’ve lived in vain”

And so I – told him just what I desired to know
I saw every struggle every assault and crime
From the seed planted and forced to grow below
So I gave Him my love for judgment time

I asked of three … “Whose strength is it I view
for All seem bonded and delicately placed?”
They spoke as one “Record your answer – it is for you
to study the vision ‘til it be erased”

And so I – from points and places from six in all
Down paths and through gates and ‘cross bridges sublime
Through ages and worlds to find its center to resist the fall
So I gave Him my love for judgment time

I asked of many … “How far have you come and do you agree
that where you are is cause of choice?”
Each said “Record your answer – for we All are here to see
the limits of our placement according to His voice”

And so I – learn to retell what All is mastering to teach
From the zones and planes and from levels to climb
To seek the seventh One and the center of each
So I give Him my love … for judgment time

View the PDF below as it was originally presented

Poem #69 | Written September 8, 2010

Record Your Answer For Judgment Time PDF