Rest given and interrupted between these lights is similitude and nothing more
For the law of labor determines it so; it’s from the cause … effect cannot ignore
Mere respites that are brief reflections of just cause set spinning toward the real
Assures the upward climb to take harder breaths and have survival succumb to will

That question – to be or not to be – yet answered and yet … not answered at all
Must be weighed in balance of single will, scattered high and low from center’s fall
The harmless, wily escape from fire and flood must prove everlastingly a true exam
And from the dust gathered to shape an honored vessel – as one to become – I am

Continued choice appears paramount and the shedding of blood the exchange
The Angel with contentment, expectation, and knowledge of faith, shall rearrange
And passage to Eden that garden of rest will then be explored, planted and hedged
All that is given and all that is taken must be understood to be loaned and two-edged

When making the choice take certainty as companion, lest certainty ally the choice
and cause it to return for a certain answer and demand that you give it voice
For confused indecision is self-descriptive and every soul has its own story to tell
The law of choice demands the final answer . . . Will your rest be heaven or hell?

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Poem #52 | Written May 15, 2008

Resting Places PDF